Community Solar is Moving Maine Forward


Community solar is a powerful solution to provide every Mainer with access to solar energy.

Community solar provides homeowners, renters, and businesses equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the physical attributes or ownership of their home or business. It expands access to solar, in particular low-to-moderate income customers most impacted by a lack of access, while building a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid.

Affordable and Renewable

Renewable energy should be available to everyone, regardless of income. Community solar is growing in Maine, and that means more benefits at lower costs.


Local Projects, Local Benefits

Community solar projects are providing communities all over Maine with clean, renewable power – as well as the economic benefits of new energy infrastructure. This means better roads and schools, and lower property taxes.


Ending the Fossil Fuel Roller Coaster

Maine’s wild spikes in electric bills are the result of our dependence on natural gas and foreign-sourced fossil fuels. Conversion to community solar means affordability and stability for Maine families and businesses.

Happening Now

Natural gas price spikes, not solar, to blame for soaring power bills

The Maine Legislature shouldn’t allow the Public Advocate to hinder efforts to grow and strengthen the community solar program. May 23, 2023 Portland Press Herald By Kate Daniel, Coalition for Community Solar Access Maine's Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) is wrong...

Community Solar is Already Benefitting Maine

And the benefits will continue to grow as we work together

Reducing Carbon Emissons

Supporting Maine Jobs

Investing in Maine Communities